Projects, Uncategorized

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb!

With March upon us we find ourselves saying, “In like a lion, and out like a lamb.” If you have a little artist around, he or she is always asking, “Why?”

So the question got started…, “Why do we say that?”

We began to do our homework and find out. In our research we found that this saying dates back to the 1880’s. It means the month of March is a changeable month. The start of the month is still within the Winter season. March 20 is officially the Spring Equinox, so March “goes out” with its last 12 days in the Spring season.

The simple answer is that the Lion and the Lamb refer to weather. The Lion roars like the winds of Winter. The Lamb is soft, and quite like the blooming flowers of Spring. Today we decided it is a good fit to feature a Lion and Lamb craft project, to follow along with our newly answered question.

We have a couple of Lion projects available in our Circus category on our website. But today we decided to share our Hand Print Lion craft project. This project is a fun keepsake project. Your little artist can see how mach his or her hand grows over the next year.

Hand Print Lion


  1. Copy of lion
  2. Optional: Markers
  3. Brown and/or yellow construction paper
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue stick
  6. Pencil


  1. Print copy of lion.
  2. Optional: Color it.
  3. Trace and cut out child’s hand prints.
  4. Glue around lion’s face to give him a mane.

We hope that March will go out like a lamb! Your little artists are sure to love playing and creating with the soft fluffy cotton balls to make this Lamb project. They can glue on as many or as few as they would like to make their spring lamb.

This is one of our current lamb craft projects. We hope you have fun.

Lamb Craft Project


  1. Copy of farm scene
  2. Crayons or Markers
  3. Cotton balls
  4. Glue


  1. Print out farm scene.
  2. Color it.
  3. Glue on cotton balls.

We hope you will enjoy making these fun projects. We know that soon you will be telling your little artist, “You’re so creative!”