
Chimney Craft Project


  1. Off-white card stock
  2. Red construction paper
  3. Black construction paper
  4. Scissors or safety scissors
  5. Glue
  6. Craft stick
  7. Cotton balls
  8. Christmas stocking stickers


  1. Print copy of the chimney onto off-white card stock.
  2. Cut out, fold and glue chimney together. (See video.)
  3. Cut small rectangles out of red paper and glue to bag.
  4. Use the boot pattern to cut out of black paper, both boots, and black rectangle.
  5. Glue onto the chimney.
  6. Glue the craft stick on as a mantel.
  7. Add Christmas stocking stickers to complete.

You’re so creative!

*Note- For little artist pre-make the bag and let them decorate.