Clown Costume

Clown Costume Craft Project


  1. Copy of clown
  2. Construction paper or card stock
  3. Scissors or safety scissors
  4. 1″ Hole punch
  5. Pencil
  6. Glue stick
  7. Regular hole punch
  8. Yarn or ribbon


  1. Print copy of clown body.
  2. Cut out pattern.
  3. Cut 4- 2″ wide strips of paper.
  4. Fold strips into zig-zags.
  5. Trace and cut out hand prints.
  6. Trace and cut out footprints.
  7. Use hole punch to make dots to decorate clown.
  8. Glue parts together.
  9. Punch a hole on either side of costume and tie in yarn or ribbon.
  10. Tie around the neck and wear your silly clown costume.

You’re so creative!