
Warthog Craft Project


  1. Copy of pattern
  2. Scissors or safety scissors
  3. 9″ Uncoated paper plate
  4. Pencil
  5. Sponge
  6. Black paint
  7. Construction paper
  8. Glue
  9. Newspaper


  1. Print Warthog pattern and cut out.
  2. Fold paper plate in half and trace the pattern onto plate.
  3. Cut out Warthog.
  4. Cover work surface with newspaper.
  5. Glue ears onto plate.
  6. Fold tusks under.
  7. Pour small amount of paint onto rest of Warthog and sponge paint.
  8. Let dry.
  9. Cut strips of construction paper to fit around child’s head.
  10. Glue the Warthog onto strip of paper and wear.

You’re so creative!