Mayan Headdress

Mayan Headdress Craft Project


  1. Card stock
  2. Black paper 12″x18″
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue stick
  5. Sponges
  6. Small paper plate
  7. Gold paint
  8. Optional: Feathers – These Gold tipped feathers would make a great addition.


  1. Print out pattern onto card stock paper.
  2. Cut a 2″ strip out of black paper long enough to fit around the child’s head.
  3. Pour a small amount of paint onto paper plate.
  4. Use a sponge to paint Mayan decoration.
  5. When dry, cut out the medallion.
  6. Glue onto the black band.
  7. Optional: Glue on feathers.

You’re so creative!