
Scarecrow Craft Project


  1. Copy of scarecrow parts
  2. Color Card Stock
  3. Scissors or Safety Scissors
  4. Raffia
  5. Glue
  6. Hole Punch
  7. Metal Brads
  8. Optional- Markers


  1. Print scarecrow pieces onto card stock.
  2. Optional- Color.
  3. Cut out pieces.
  4. Glue bits of raffia to the head and hat.
  5. Use hole punch on each of the pieces.
  6. Use metal brads to connect the pieces.

Optional- This project can be broken down into a week long project.

  1. Day one- Make the head.
  2. Day two- Make body and arms.
  3. Day three- Make boots and legs.
  4. Day four- Put all the pieces together.

You’re so creative!