Projects, Uncategorized

Craft projects that start with J

We continue our journey through the alphabet with craft projects that start with J. Last month we had fun making an iguana, ice cream, an iceberg, and an igloo. If you would like to review projects that begin with I, please click HERE.

On to this month’s J projects! Our first project takes us to the southern part of North America and Central America. This project is an Aztec-style jaguar mask. Your little artist will have fun making and wearing this mask.

Jaguar Craft Project


  1. Card stock paper
  2. Markers or Crayons
  3. Tongue depressor (popsicle stick)
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue


  1. Print off pattern onto card stock paper.
  2. Color your mask.
  3. Cut out the mask and eye holes for your little one.
  4. Glue the tongue depressor to bottom of mask.

If your little artists play sports, they probably know our next J project, a jersey. More specifically, we are making a hockey jersey. They can use Washi Tape and design the jersey however they choose.

Jersey Craft Project


  1. Copy of jersey
  2. Washi tape
  3. Safety scissors


  1. Copy jersey.
  2. Cut pieces of tape to decorate the jersey.

In our final project we learn about kangaroos. Male/ daddy kangaroos are called bucks, while female/ mommy kangaroos are called does, just like deer. But the baby kangaroos are referred to as joeys. In our final J Project we are making a jumping joey in his mother’s pouch.

Joey Craft Project


  1. Copy of kangaroo and joey
  2. Markers and/or Crayons
  3. Scissors


  1. Print copy of kangaroo and joey.
  2. Color.
  3. Cut a slit in the pouch of the kangaroo.
  4. Place the joey in the pouch.

We hope your little artists jumped for joy with these craft projects that start with J. Hopefully they learned about the letter J while you were telling them, “You’re so creative!”