
Crafts for kids to celebrate National go barefoot day

Barefoot Day Crafts

Around here we do not need an excuse to go barefoot. We are lucky enough to be able to kick off the shoes and run around the backyard. But June first is officially ‘go barefoot day’. It is no secret we love to make crafts any way we can. We thought what a fun holiday to use our feet to make barefoot day crafts.

Every time the kids remove their shoes I make a comment, ‘Pew! Who has stinky feet?’ Everyone giggles. Until one day I forgot and everyone tried to get me to smell their feet. This is a fun time to talk about the sense of touch and smell. Using painting the feet to notice how they are ticklish and do feet smell. You are sure to have lots of laughter with these projects. (Note* If you don’t want to use paint on the feet your little artists could trace and cut out footprints.)

You can have fun setting up canvases in the back yard and use his or her feet to paint or try one of these cute crafts.

You can use footprints to make all kinds of art. Today you will see how we use the shape of our feet to make wings, eyes, and a tail. Maybe your little artist will see his or her feet in a new way after these fun projects.

Butterfly Craft

Butterfly craft project Free Children's arts and craft projects

With Father’s Day right around the corner you might want to make our next project. You can use our boot template or use dad’s real shoe.

Daddy’s Shoe Craft

Father's Day Craft for Kids Free Children's Arts and Crafts

This next craft sneaks in a little shape learning as we use a heart to make a panda bear.

Panda Bear Craft

Panda Bear Craft Project Free children's arts and crafts

Squirrel Craft

Squirrel Craft Projectt Free Children's arts and craft projects

The secret to successful foot art is to have lots of wipes around. They make clean up a breeze on any art project.



We hope you had fun with our barefoot day crafts. I hope it inspired laughter and saying, ‘You’re so creative!’