
Crafts that start with the letter ‘A’

We recently discovered that the number one search for children’s arts and craft projects is done by letters. With this newfound knowledge, we are going to share our projects once a month by letter.

Today we are going to make a few craft projects that start with the letter ‘A.’

We thought we would start with a craft project about a very small insect starting with ‘A,’ our Ant craft project.

Ant Craft Project


  1. Copy of ant
  2. Crayons or Markers
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue
  5. Black yarn


  1. Print off copy of ant.
  2. Color.
  3. Cut out ant parts.
  4. Cut black yarn into six 2″ pieces.
  5. Glue yarn onto ant body.
  6. Then glue shoes onto the other end of the yarn.

Next ‘A’ on our list is an Aztec mask. Your little artists can make and wear their own Aztec masks.


Aztec Mask Craft Project



  1. Copy of mask
  2. Crayons or Markers
  3. Card stock
  4. Scissors
  5. Ribbon
  6. Glue stick


  1. Print mask onto card stock.
  2. Color and cut out.
  3. Glue ribbon onto sides of mask.
  4. When dry, wear.

We have an entire category with an ‘A.’ It is the category Africa, which includes one of out favorite ‘A’ projects, the Antelope. 



  1. Copy of antelope
  2. Brown card stock
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue stick


  1. Print antelope parts onto brown card stock.
  2. Cut out.
  3. Cut long strip of paper to fit child’s head.
  4. Have the artist glue antelope parts onto strip of paper.
  5. When dry, wear.

I hope your little artists had fun learning all about the letter ‘A’ with these craft projects. Hopefully they will have just as much fun next month with our projects that will feature the letter ‘B.’

We know that if you made one or all of these ‘A’ projects, you will be telling your little artist, “You’re so creative!”