
Crafts that start with the letter P

A through Z! Today it is craft projects that start with the letter P. If you have been subscribing to our newsletters, you know we are crafting our way through the alphabet, one letter at a time. Today we continue with the letter P on a crafted trip through Egypt. We are learning about things you may find there that start with the letter P.

One thing that you might think about when we talk about Egypt is the Great Pyramids. Your little artist can design and make his or her own pyramid in our first project.



  1. Copy of pyramid
  2. Brown construction paper
  3. Safety scissors
  4. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of the pyramid.
  2. Cut rectangles out of construction paper.
  3. Glue rectangles onto the pyramid.

Every Pyramid needs a Pharaoh.  In our next project your little artists can pretend they are the Pharaoh with this mask. Little artists love wearing the projects they make, and this one will not disappoint.

Pharaoh Mask-


  1. Copy of Pharaoh’s headdress
  2. Crayons or Markers
  3. Yellow construction paper
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of Pharaoh’s headdress.
  2. Cut a strip of yellow construction paper to fit around child’s head.
  3. Color and cut out mask.
  4. Glue mask parts onto yellow strip of paper.
  5. When dry, wear.

We are making one more P project you might find in Egypt: Pythons! These projects look great hanging from the ceiling or wrapped around a kid’s neck. Kids seem to love snakes and will have fun learning about the Rock Python that lives in Egypt.



  1. Copy of snake
  2. Brown card stock, or
  3. Brown paint and paint brush
  4. Safety scissors


  1. Print copy of snake onto card stock, (white or brown).
  2. Paint. (Allow to dry.)
  3. Cut on the dotted line.

If you would like to practice writing the letter P, please visit HERE.

We hope your little artist had fun with crafts that start with the letter P, and maybe learned a thing or two about the country of Egypt. Whatever project you made, we know you will tell him or her, “You’re so creative!”