
Easter is almost here!!!!

Your little bunnies might be getting excited with Easter less than a week away. We are busy decorating and creating. For this week’s project we made our Easter Cross.

Easter Cross Project

The Easter Cross project is a fun sponge painting craft. You can use the traditional blot sponging method. Or… use the the push and pull method. This is how we achieved the ray-like pattern on our completed image. You simply push down on the sponge and without releasing the pressure, pull the sponge in the direction of the rays. That is why we call it the the push/pull method. Push down and pull away. Make sense? Hopefully! This is a great way to teach your little artist how to use a tool in different ways to create different kinds of art.

We hope learning a new technique will be just another way to tell your little artist, “You’re so creative!”