
Fall Sports Craft Projects For Kids

Everyone has his or her favorite season. The smell of leaves in the air and a chill at night can only mean one thing: Fall is here. Maybe your little artist started playing one of the many Fall sports.  We are a big football house – not the United States kind, but the European kind.  It is also known as soccer.

Today we are going to make different kinds of footballs from around the world. The United States has a brown leather football and the Europeans, a black and white, or ‘soccer ball’ type. No matter what you call it, your little artists will have fun designing their own balls.

In our first football, we are using the pentagon and circle shapes to make a soccer/football. This is a great opportunity to teach the children the new shape of a pentagon. You can count all five sides and then start the craft.

Football/Soccer Ball


  1. Copy of ball
  2. Copy of pentagon shape
  3. Black paper
  4. Glue stick
  5. Scissors


  1. Cut out pentagon shapes ahead of time.
  2. Have children glue shapes to make their soccer balls.

In the next project we are refining small motor skills by ripping up brown construction paper and gluing it to make this American football craft project.

American Football


  1. Copy of football
  2. Glue
  3. Brown paper


  1. Print off football.
  2. Rip up brown paper.
  3. Glue pieces to football.

Whether you call it a soccer or a football game, both have referees.  In our final project we are designing and making referee shirts. Your little artist can use safety scissors to cut black strips of paper and design the shirt however he or she chooses.

Referee Shirt


  1. Copy of shirt
  2. Black construction paper
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of referee shirt.
  2. Cut strips of black paper.
  3. Glue strips onto shirt to make a referee shirt.

We hope you had fun making crafts inspired by our Fall sports. No matter what you made, we know you will be telling your little artist, “You’re so creative!”