
Free Letter V Crafts for Children ages three and up

Letter V Crafts

Benjamin Franklin said it best, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” We love using arts and crafts to help little artists learn their letters. Slowly we have been working our way through the alphabet making crafts that correspond with each and every letter. Today we just happen to be working on the letter V crafts.

In our first letter V craft, we are turning our classroom into a jungle. We are making and hanging these vines. Children get so excited when they see their completed artwork hanging up.

For the littlest artist, we pre-cut out all of the pieces and let them design the vines. We always make sure to have extra pieces available because little artists are extremely good at making paper chains. Older children with scissor skills may cut out and assemble their own. Click the image to find out more about how we made our vines.

Vine Craft Project

Vine craft project FREE Children's arts and crafts

Our little artist seemed to love anything to do with volcanos. We did the old fashion vinegar and baking soda volcano experiment. They talked about it for a month. We have two different types of volcano crafts on our website one uses handprints to make the lava. Either with cutouts or paint. The other volcano craft involves ripping and gluing tissue paper to make lava. Each one is fun to make but you know what will work best for your little artists. Click the image below for directions for each.

Handprint Volcano Craft Project

Volcano Craft Project Free Children's arts and craft projects

Volcano Craft Project

Volcano Craft Project Free Children's arts and craft projects

We offer a total of 78 free letter worksheets under our helpful tips and activities tab. We have three different formats, large letters, connect the dots, and writing pages. The large letters are perfect for coloring or cutting out. Click the header below for free printable letter V worksheets.

Letter V Worksheets

We hope your little artist learn about the letter V while having fun. You are sure to tell them, ‘You’re so creative!’

Letter V Crafts

You’re so creative!