
Fun free crafts for kids that start with the letter Q

Letter Q Crafts

We are continuing to craft our way through the alphabet here at ‘You’re so creative’. Today we are working on fun letter Q crafts. This can be a tricky one as most of the kid Q words are action words. We have gone around the world looking for, and making cute Q animal projects just for your little artist.

We start our first letter Q project by visiting islands off the southwest coast of Australia. This small animal may not be commonly known but it is adorable, it is called the Quokka. This cute little guy is nicknamed “the world’s happiest animals”. If you get the chance please take a moment to look up images of this animal. You will see why were inspire to make this craft project. Your little artist can make and send this huggable Quokka card in our first project.

Huggable Quokka


  1. Copy of Quokka
  2. Construction paper
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue stick
  5. Crayons or Markers


  1. Print copy of Quokka onto construction paper.
  2. Cut out.
  3. Select “huggable” item.
  4. Color and cut out item.
  5. Glue item onto Quokka.
  6. Fold arms over item.

Options: You may use this for a gift card, money, or candy holder.

Next, we are traveling to the continent of North America. In this project, we are learning about a small bird called a quail. Let’s grab some feathers and get started.

Quail Craft


  1. Copy of Quail
  2. Glue
  3. Natural feathers


  1. Print copy of Quail.
  2. Spread glue on Quail.
  3. Add feathers on glue.

Finally, we are going to make a project with the letter Q. Print and use a ‘Q-tip to paint this Giant Q letter.

Letter Q

Free Letter worksheets Q


  1. Copy of the letter Q
  2. Cotton swabs
  3. Paint


  1. Print copy of the letter Q.
  2. Dip the cotton swab into the paint and paint the letter Q.

Now that we have made a couple of craft projects about the letter Q let’s learn how to write it. Please visit our free letter practice worksheet section and click on the letter Q. Visit HERE.

We are sure you had ‘quite’ the ‘quality’ day of learning all about the letter Q. Whether you crafted or wrote it we know you will tell your little artist, ‘You’re so creative!’