
Moon Landing

On July 19, 1969 the very first moon landing took place. Some people may remember watching this day on TV, while others have only studied it. It is fun to have your little artists pretend they have just landed on the moon. They can even learn the first words ever spoken on the moon, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”- John Glenn

It seems like, at one time, every child wanted to grow up and be an astronaut. Although it has faded over the years as a child’s wish, every little artist loves to pretend. In our first project we’re making astronaut helmets so we’ll be able to ‘breathe’ in space.

Astronaut Helmet


  1. Copy of astronaut helmet
  2. Paint brush
  3. Silver paint
  4. Scissors
  5. Grey construction paper
  6. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of helmet.
  2. Paint helmet and let dry.
  3. Cut strip of grey paper to fit around child’s head.
  4. Cut out astronaut helmet and glue onto headband.
  5. Wear.

Now that we look like astronauts with our helmets, let’s make something to get us to the moon. Every astronaut needs a rocket ship! Let’s gather up all of our craft supplies and get ready to blast off.

Rocket Ship Craft Project


  1. Rocket pattern
  2. Colored paper
  3. Scissors or safety scissors
  4. Glue
  5. Red and yellow crepe paper streamers
  6. Paper towel tube


  1. Print rocket ship pattern onto color paper.
  2. Cut out parts.
  3. Glue large rocket piece around paper towel tube.
  4. Fold edges of triangle and glue to the bottom of the tube to make fins.
  5. Glue cone shape together and add to the tube at the opposite end as the fins.
  6. Rip and glue strips of crepe paper to the inside of tube near fins to make flames.
  7. Now you are ready to fly into Outer Space. Even if only in our imaginations.

Three, two, one, blast off! Blast off to the moon, that is. We are making our very own Man in the Moon in our next project. In honor of Moon Landing Day, trace your child’s footprints on the back of the plate before you begin the project. This way they will have stepped on the moon, too!

Man in the Moon


  1. Copy of face
  2. Two paper plates
  3. Toilet paper tube
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue stick
  6. Black paint


  1. Print and cut out moon face.
  2. Pour small amount of paint onto one of the plates.
  3. Dip the end of the toilet paper tube into the paint and onto the other paper plate, like a stamp.
  4. When dry, glue on face.

We have an entire category on our website for Outer Space. If you would like to continue making projects from this category, please click HERE.

We hope your little artist had fun learning that astronauts take rockets to the moon. I know your next adventure will have you telling your little artist, “You’re so creative!”