
Kids Crafts for ‘Read a Book Day’

September 6th is Read a Book Day. There are so many great children’s books and stories, it is hard to pick just a few to write about. In fact, we have an entire category of crafts all about books. This category includes books, Nursery Rhymes, and Poems. For a shortcut to our book page, please click HERE.

One of our favorite books is Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. I have read this book so many times that I could probably recite it from memory! So it would make sense that our first project would be inspired by this story. We are making our version of – you guessed it – Green Eggs and Ham!

Green Eggs and Ham-


  1. Card stock paper
  2. Green paint
  3. Sponges
  4. Small paper plate


  1. Print eggs and ham onto card stock paper.
  2. Pour a small amount of green paint onto paper plate.
  3. Dip sponges into green paint and sponge paint eggs and ham.

Option: We used two different shades of green paint to complete our project.

To add the book Green Eggs and Ham to your personal library, click HERE

In our next story, Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf pretends to be Grandma. So in our next craft project, your little artist can pretend to be a wolf. We are painting and wearing our own wolf mask.

Wolf Mask-


  1. Copy of wolf
  2. Grey paint
  3. Sponge
  4. Small paper plate
  5. Ribbon
  6. Staples and stapler
  7. Scissors


  1. Print out wolf.
  2. Pour small amount of paint onto paper plate.
  3. Teach your little artist to use the sponge to paint his or her wolf.
  4. When dry, cut out.
  5. Use stapler to attach ribbon to each side of the mask.
  6. Wear.

To add the story Little Red Riding Hood to your personal library, click HERE.

Every good reader could use a bookmark. We use this bookworm craft project as our bookmark in our long stories. I hope your little artist has fun decorating his or her own worm.

Book Worm-


  1. Sheet of Colored paper or Craft paper
  2. Copy of bookworm
  3. Glue or Glue stick
  4. Crayons or Markers
  5. Scissors or Safety scissors


  1. Print off bookworm.
  2. Fold the colored or craft paper in half, making a greeting card shape.
  3. Write B-O-O-K on the front.
  4. Decorate and cut out your worm.
  5. Glue the worm to the inside of the ‘book.’

Keep an eye out on our Facebook page as we continue to follow the ‘read a book’ theme with the Wizard of Oz. We are launching a new Tin man project along with a tornado, lion, rainbow, and scarecrow. On Friday we will have a link of the featured song ‘Off to See the Wizard’.

I hope you had fun reading and making crafts about books on Read a Book Day. I know when you are snuggled in, reading tonight’s bedtime story, you will tell your little one, “You’re so creative!”