
World Ocean Day

Tomorrow, June 8th, is World Ocean Day. I don’t know about your family, but we love visiting beaches and aquariums. But sometimes they are too far away. On those days we make our own aquariums at home. On rainy days I have been known to turn the entire living room into a fish tank! If a living room is too much for you, how about just three ocean-themed craft projects to celebrate World Ocean Day?

Our first craft project is a very large octopus. This project is also a great way to teach your little artist how the prefix ‘octo’ means eight; that’s how the octopus received its name, because of its eight legs.  Make sure to count each one as you glue them on.



  1. Copy of octopus
  2. Red bingo dauber
  3. 4 Sheets of red construction paper
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of octopus
  2. Use bingo dauber to paint octopus.
  3. Fold each piece of paper in half and cut out spirals, two at a time. Cut a total of eight spirals.
  4. Glue spirals to make octopus legs.

I love to hear little artists try to say our next project’s name. We’re going to use eyelash yarn to make sea anemones. (Ah-NEM-uh-nees). However your little artist says it, he or she will have fun using safety scissors to cut out and glue this project together.

Sea Anemone


  1. Copy of sea anemones
  2. Crayons or Tropical markers
  3. Glue
  4. Safety scissors
  5. Eyelash yarn


  1. Print copy of anemones.
  2. Color.
  3. Cut yarn and glue onto anemones.

Our final project today is one of my favorites. We use celery sticks and paint to give this fish his scales. Your little artist will have fun learning this unique painting technique to make one fish or an entire school of fish!

Celery Fish


  1. Copy of fish
  2. Celery
  3. Paint
  4. Paper plates – 2
  5. Scissors
  6. Glue


  1. Print copy of fish.
  2. Pour small amounts of paint onto one of the paper plates.
  3. Cut the 2nd plate in half.
  4. Use the celery like a stamp to decorate fish and half of paper plate.
  5. Let dry, and glue tail onto plate.

I hope you had fun diving deep into these crafts in preparation for World Ocean Day. If you’re looking for more Ocean-themed projects, please click HERE to find our entire category. We know no matter what project your little artist makes, you’ll be telling him or her, “You’re so creative!”