
Craft projects that start with the letter E.

We have been working on a series of projects that start with… Today we are working with the letter E. There are lots of fun things you can make with the letter E, but today we are focusing on elephants, eagles, and a double E project, Elf Ears.

We hope your little artist will have fun pretending to be an elephant with our first craft project.

Elephant Craft Project


  1. Copy of elephant
  2. Grey paint
  3. Sponge
  4. Small paper plate
  5. Construction paper 12″x18″
  6. Scissors
  7. Glue stick


  1. Copy off elephant.
  2. Pour small amount of grey paint onto small paper plate.
  3. Sponge paint elephant. Let dry.
  4. Cut strip of construction paper long enough to fit around child’s head.
  5. Glue strip to make a crown.
  6. Cut out elephant.
  7. Glue elephant onto crown and wear.

If you have been doing projects with us for a while, you know we love reverse sponge painting. These projects are great for seeing big results quickly. In our next project we are making a reverse eagle painting.

Eagle Craft Project


  1. Copy of eagle
  2. Card stock
  3. White paint
  4. Small paper plate
  5. Sponges
  6. Blue paper


  1. Print eagle onto card stock paper.
  2. Cut out.
  3. Place eagle cutout on blue paper.
  4. Pour small amount of paint onto paper plate.
  5. Use sponge to paint around eagle.
  6. Remove cutout to reveal reverse painting.

I’m sure you have told your little one, “Put on your listening ears.” But have you ever said, “Your elf ears?”

Using this next project, your little artists can make and wear their own elf ears.

Elf Ears


  1. Copy of ears
  2. Card stock
  3. Paint to match your child’s skin tone
  4. Sponge
  5. Small paper plate
  6. Scissors
  7. Construction paper 12″x18″
  8. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of elf ears onto card stock
  2. Pour small amount of paint onto paper plate.
  3. Teach children to use sponges to paint the elf ears.
  4. While they dry, cut a strip of construction paper to fit child’s head.
  5. Cut out dry elf ears.
  6. Glue onto paper strip.
  7. Wear.

We hope your little one little one had fun learning all about the letter E. Be sure to tell your little artist, “You’re so creative!”