
International Chicken Month

Who knew there is an International Chicken Month? We at ‘You’re So Creative’ love these wacky and fun holidays.

We thought it might be a fun opportunity to teach your little one how to do the chicken dance. With a little bit of this and a little bit bit of that, and shake your bottom, dat, dat, dat dah!

This is a fun way to get all of the wiggles out before craft time, or get the whole family to enjoy this silly dance. We found this fun video on how to do the Chicken Dance: click HERE.

In this post we have a chicken and an egg, as well as a rooster. It’s a fun way to teach that male chickens are called roosters, female chickens are called hens, and babies are chicks.

Our first project asks the old time question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” In this case, the plastic egg comes first.

Chicken Craft Project:


  1. Copy of chicken face
  2. Plastic eggs
  3. Glue
  4. Feathers


  1. Print and cut out chicken face.
  2. Glue on face.
  3. Glue feathers onto plastic egg. Allow to dry completely.

In our next project, you can use a paper plate and some feathers to make this fun rooster.

Rooster Craft Project:


  1. Copy of rooster
  2. Crayons or Markers
  3. Paper plate
  4. Glue
  5. Scissors or Safety scissors
  6. Feathers (Optional)


  1. Have the children color the head, tail, and plate.
  2. Cut out the parts when they have finished.
  3. Let them glue the head and tail to the plates.
  4. Glue on optional feathers.

We hope you had fun learning about this fun and wacky holiday, International Chicken Month. Hope you had fun learning a new dance and making a craft or two. I know you are sure to tell your favorite little artist, “You’re so creative!”