Projects, Uncategorized

Crafts that start with the letter G

Crafts that start with the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G! The letter G. If you have been reading our posts on a regular basis, you will know we have been working on a series on the letter (Fill in the blank here _______).

We all know kids learn best when they can use their hands. That is why we have made fun projects with every letter in the alphabet. Let us start this first G project, the Gnome.

This silent G project is one of our favorites: the gnome.

Gnome Craft Project


  1. Copy of gnome
  2. Markers or Crayons
  3. Cotton balls
  4. Glue


  1. Print copy of gnome.
  2. Color.
  3. Pull apart cotton balls.
  4. Glue cotton onto beard.

Our next G project takes us to Africa. This big gorilla will help your little artist learn about the letter G.

Reverse Gorilla Painting Craft Project


  1. Copy of gorilla
  2. Card stock
  3. Scissors
  4. Paint
  5. Paper plate
  6. Sponge
  7. Construction paper


  1. Print gorilla onto card stock.
  2. Cut out gorilla.
  3. Pour small amount of paint onto paper plate.
  4. Place card stock gorilla onto a piece of construction paper.
  5. Hold the card stock gorilla in place and sponge paint around.
  6. Lift the card stock gorilla to reveal the reverse painting.

From Africa to most farms around the world, you will find this next critter, the goat. Your little artist will have fun making and wearing this goat headband craft project.


  1. Copy of goat pattern
  2. Black construction paper 12″x18″
  3. Crayons or Markers
  4. Glue stick
  5. Scissors


  1. Print off a copy of goat.
  2. Color goat.
  3. Cut black paper into a strip long enough to fit child’s head.
  4. Cut out goat.
  5. Glue goat to head band.

We hope your little artist had fun learning about the G with these fun projects. we know you are sure to say, ” ‘G’, you’re so creative!”