
National Candy Corn Day

Happy National Candy Corn Day. YUM! Either you love this candy or hate it. One thing is for sure: this candy is a long-lived Fall tradition. Its roots can be traced back all the way to the early 1800’s. But it wasn’t until the mid 1950’s that it was handed out as a Halloween treat. So it seems fitting that the day before Halloween would be National Candy Corn Day. (Although they now make red, white, and green for Christmas, as well as red. white, and pink for Valentine’s Day). Now you can enjoy this treat all year round!

Certainly year after year this is one of the only candies that doesn’t need any advertising campaigns. Everyone knows what it is. You know where to find it. Everyone knows what it tastes like. It seems to show up everywhere this time of year. But enough about the real thing; let’s make our own candy corn with art. Hopefully this candy corn will be less sticky to make than the real thing!

Candy Corn Craft Project


  1. Copy of candy corn
  2. 1″ Foam brush
  3. Orange paint
  4. Yellow paint
  5. Small paper plate


  1. Print copy of candy corn.
  2. Pour small amount of yellow paint onto small paper plate.
  3. Teach your little artist to paint the bottom of the candy.
  4. Pour small amount of orange paint onto small paper plate.
  5. Teach your little artist to paint the middle of the candy.
  6. Let dry.

With Halloween coming tomorrow, we thought we would share our link for all things Halloween. Maybe your favorite little ‘Monster’ would like to make a few last minute decorations for tomorrow’s big night. Click HERE to visit our Halloween page.

Maybe you ate some candy while you made this project or you’re on ‘Team NO Sugar’. I know once your little artist makes this project, you will be telling him or her, “You’re so creative!”

We truly hope however you choose to celebrate All Hallows Eve/ Halloween that you and your families are safe and have fun.

Happy Halloween!