
Europe Day

Let’s celebrate Europe Day through art. We cannot always afford to travel around this great big, beautiful world, but we can learn about it. Even reading about it can make us feel like we are there. Today we are going to make a few projects inspired by the European countries.

In our first project we are going to use our fingerprints to make something you can find all over Europe, a castle. Just print off a copy of our castle and use either grey paint or grey stamp pads to make the stones of the castle. Your little artists may want a few stones or a lot. Let them design the castle however they choose.

Fingerprint Castle


  1. Copy of castle
  2. Grey paint
  3. Paper plate
  4. Black construction paper
  5. Scissors
  6. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of castle.
  2. Pour small amount of grey paint onto paper plate.
  3. Use fingertips to make dots on castle.
  4. Cut door shape out of black construction paper.
  5. Glue door onto castle.

Your little artists might recognize the food in our next project. We are heading to Italy to make a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Yum!

Spaghetti and Meatballs


  1. Paper plate
  2. Glue
  3. Off white yarn
  4. Large brown puff ball
  5. Safety scissors


  1. Cut and glue the yarn pieces onto paper plate.
  2. Glue on puff balls.

We love the stories of the knights in Europe, so in our next project we are pretending to be one! Your little artist, with a little help from you, can make and wear his or her own knight’s helmet. Make sure to ask the name of your dear knight. It’s always fun to pretend!

Knight’s Helmet


  1. Copy of helmet
  2. Card stock
  3. Silver paint
  4. Paint brush
  5. Scissors
  6. Grey construction paper
  7. Glue stick


  1. Print helmet onto card stock paper.
  2. Paint.
  3. Cut strips of grey construction paper to fit around child’s head.
  4. Cut out helmet.
  5. Glue to paper strips.
  6. Glue strips together to fit around child’s head.
  7. Wear.

In our final project we are making our own Loch Ness creature. We like to think of him as a creature, not a monster. Your little artist can have ‘Nessy’ swim up and down the Loch that he or she makes.

Loch Ness Creature


  1. Copy of Nessy and Loch
  2. Card stock
  3. Markers
  4. Glitter glue
  5. Scissors
  6. Cotton swab
  7. Popsicle stick
  8. Glue


  1. Print Copy of Nessy and Loch onto card stock.
  2. Color.
  3. Cut out Nessy and cut a slit in Loch.
  4. Glue bottom of Nessy to popsicle stick, leaving enough to use as a handle.
  5. Use cotton swab to spread glitter glue onto Loch.
  6. When dry, slide Nessy into the cut on the Loch, and swim him back and forth.

I hope you had fun making projects in preparation for Europe Day. I know no matter where you live, you will tell your little artist, “You’re so creative!”